Welsh translation error directs drivers to 'town egg gas'

A Welsh translation error has caused drivers to be directed to "town egg gas" instead of the town of Monmouth. The mistake was spotted on the A449 near the Usk Interchange in Monmouthshire.

Trefynwy, which is Welsh for Monmouth, has been misspelled on a road traffic sign as "Trefwynwy" - which directly translates to "town egg gas".

No body wants live in "town egg gas" but I hear Monmouth is nice enough.

As ever when it comes to signage - proof reading is an important part of the process. Of course, if the manufacturer was provided the wording with the incorrect spelling by the customer then it's a case of the customer not always being right.

Hopefully it gets resolved soon, as that will leave a bad smell in the air for residents of the town.

Read the full article available on the BBC website - click here